Diarmuid O'Brien's "Paddy Angryman" is a satirical webcomedy about a nebbish civil servant called Liam (played by me), his online cyber terrorist alter ego Paddy Angryman and Liam's new co-worker Sile (Charlene Craig) who wants to topple the government. It also stars Tara Flynn as an amoral government minister, Bryan Quinn as Vincent Browne, Donnacha O'Brien as a smug newscaster and lots of other funny folks. Diarmuid wrote the series with contributions from myself (episode 3) and Colin Chadwick (episode 4) and directed the hell out of it.
All in all there's five episodes that should take up 20 minutes of your time. The show was shot beautifully by James McDonnell and looks, to quote Francis Ford Coppola, "the business". Although the show has yet to directly lead to tearing down the government we're all very proud of it
Diarmuid, Charlene and I spoke to the lovely Abie Philbin Bowman from Radio 1's "Arena" about the series a few weeks ago. Here's an auld link: