
Welcome to the Gangbusters page, a compendium of comedy stimuli from Giles Brody.
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Friday, January 11, 2013

Lad Lane

Hello you.

Hope you're well. One  of my New Years Resolutions is to learn the words to Auld Lang Syne and I'm already behind on that. My other resolutions are to eat more, exercise less and get really into word jumbles. I'm also going to update this blog a bit more with exciting* comedy news such as this:

 My friend Colin Chadwick and I have a podcast called "Lad Lane".

"Thank heck for that!" I hear you scream. "There's not enough podcasts featuring fellows in their 20's shouting over each other." Although I do love those sorts of podcasts, ours is somewhere between a soap and a sitcom (soap-com?) in the style of Scharpling & Wurster or Bob & Ray.

 The premise is this/thus. Colin lives in Lad Lane in Dublin and his encounters with his weirdo neighbours has prompted him to start recording all interactions. There's his landlady Noona, who is a cross between Mrs Doyle and Heath Ledger's Joker. Noona's husband Judas is a very low ranking Guard with a mop instead of a truncheon. The actor Pierce Brosnan lives on the lane, sharing a house with a dangerously manipulative heavy metal fan called Gary.

So far we've got eight episodes up with some select clips on Soundcloud. Next time you're taking yourself for a walk why not visit the Lane by downloading an episode.

I tunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/ie/podcast/lad-lane/id566761125

Soundcloud link:  https://soundcloud.com/lad-lane

* This is called an asterisk, its used in writing and printing as a reference mark or to indicate omission, doubt matter etc.